Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pass The Parcel

The Notebook Sisters are doing a blog party for teen writers!:) And what kind of party is it without games? This game is called Pass the Parcel:)

1. Name your top 5 favorite YA authorsAlly Carter
Patrick Carman
Robert Liparulo
Tedd Dekker
Suzanne Collins
(I would say J. R. R. Tolkien, but I've never actually read the books. Sadly.)
2. What's the last YA book you read and what did you think about it?Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. It's the second book in the Heist Society series and it was amazing!:) Ally Carter sure knows what she's doing!:) Amazing writing, totally lovable characters, a plot that grabs your from the first page, simply wonderful!
3. What's your favorite YA genre?
That is a very hard question. I love medieval fantasy stuff! I also love realistic fiction/mystery, which is what Heist Society is:)

4. Let's talk characters! Pick a character you love and tell us why.
Katrina "Kat" Bishop from Heist Society! What's not to like? The girl lives for adventure! Whether it's flying via private jet to England to a museum to steal four paintings they didn't even know they had, or being lowered down a vent to take a priceless, so-called cursed gem, she's always doing crazy, thrilling stuff.
5. Top YA villain?Old Joe Bush from The Skeleton Creek
6. Top YA couple?Cammie and Zach and Kat and Hale. Both are complicated relationships where they both like each other, but refuse to admit it.
7. With dystopian on the decline, what do you think will be the next hot trend in YA?I have no idea! Hopefully something action-packed, adventurous, and edge-of-your-seat good. And humorous/witty, always humorous/witty!
8. What's next YA on your to-be-read pile?
The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, Perfect Scoundrels and the untitled upcoming final Gallagher Girls book by Ally Carter.
9. What's the fastest time you've ever finished reading a book in? (And what was the book?!)
I read The Dreamhouse Kings Series by Robert Liparulo in a week, one of the book in that series I read in 4 hours. I can't remember which one.
10. (And now for the burning question) Do your think books should be sorted according to color or title. (This matters.)That is a very hard question for me! I am very OCD about my books. I sort mine firstly according to size, then author (alphabetically), then copyright date. But, I'm supposed pick one of the two methods in the question so probably color:)


  1. Love this, Jordan!! I NEED to read Heist Society now. I read the first 2 Gallagaher girls, so when I left Cammie she was still moping over Josh (though Mime told me Zach was in line). Must get back to that series. ;) Thanks for doing the tag!!

    1. Thanks!:) Heist Society is a favorite of mine! I love Gallagher Girls, too! Cammie and Zach have an interesting relationship;) It's quite fun to read about:) Ally Carter is a very skilled writer!:)

  2. Ha! Size, author, copyright date? That's a unique system! I just sort mine by author.

    1. Oh, Lydia. You know how OCD I am:) It just gets worse with things I care about:)

  3. Copyright Date? Oh, wow. I'm kind of... unOCD. ;) I usually have books just stacked around the bedroom and in whatever order they fall in (except for serieses. They must be ordered choronologically!)

    I sooo can't wait for Gallagher Girls 6. It will be brilliant.

    1. Oh yes, series simple have to be in chronological order! I am a little OCD about everything, it's just worse with my books and movies.

      I cannot wait either! Ally Carter is driving me crazy about everybody dying! She can't kill off everyone, but she probably did kill a couple people. It's really driving me crazy not knowing who they are! It comes out in September!:) Here in the US anyway.

  4. Wow. You relly organize your books! I just organize my by what books I like the most! Lol

    1. Well, I wasn't going to be that weird about it, but when I started putting them on the shelf my OCD kicked it!:P
