Tuesday, May 14, 2013

All the Craziness of the Last 3 Weeks Packed into 1 Post:)

I finally have time to blog! I feel like it's been forever! The last few week have been crazy. And now you get to hear about them:) I'll tell most of the story with pictures:)

I'll start with the monsoon that graced us .  About three seconds after I took the pic on the left the car flew through that puddle and splashed all over our truck. Nice. Thanks a lot. The pic on the right is a field that was turned into a mini lake. The other one is a ditch by our house. It's normally only a fourth of the way up. It was almost over the bridge at that time.


Has anyone ever seen this before? You take yarn and throw it to each other. But, you have to hold on to some before you throw it. It makes an awesome design! And, luckily our kids caught on very quickly! The first pic it just pure epicness! An awesome action pic. That's me throwing it, by the way:)The second one the red yarn looks like red security lasers:) Very cool:) It's also our final product. Total hit. We're going to do it again with multi-colored yarn.


That same Sunday we caught this little critter in our swimming pool:) I rescued him:) He's a little baby Red-earned Slider. We let him go in a ditch behind out neighborhood:)

I got my braces off!!:)



We had our Awana awards assembly last Wednesday night. I couldn't get the Sparkies (above) to look at me. Mr. Joey and his daughter, Mayson (right). After this pic her kissed her on the cheek and said, "I can do that. She's my daughter." He tried to do the same thing to Korey (below), but he ducked. Korey's not his son, but their families have been friends for a long time.

Saturday was Mayfest. It's an annual this out town does downtown. Everyone sets up booths and sells stuff, there's live entertainment, good food, and games for the kids. It's always really fun, and all the "biker dudes" , as I call them, come out. When I took this pic dad asked why I took it. My reply was, "It's perfect for my blog! 'Hey, look at who came to visit! Bet you don't see that very often!'"

 Mitzie, our Poodle, was very rudely pushed into the pool by Chester, our Yorkie.

Revenge was had today. Peyton pushed him in right after this pic:)
Mother's Day was fun. We went to visit my Nana. We spent the day watching World's Strongest Man. I actually quite enjoyed it. But, I still don't know who won. If anyone knows please share:)    

I saw this today and loved it!! I am so excited for this movie! This one and about ten other 2013 releases!:) This is the year for good movie releases apparently.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my crazy last few weeks:) More craziness is sure to follow!:)
P.S. Is anyone else is love with Owl City's Midsummer's Eve cd? It was my Summer Cd last year and I think I'll give it that title again this year, too:)

P.P.S. If you read all of this kudos to you!:)

Friday, May 10, 2013

My First Tagggg!!!!:)

The Notebook Sisters (a really awesome blog by two really awesome girls) tagged me for the Liebster Blog Award!
- each nominee must answer 11 questions.
- create 11 questions for the next nominees to answer.
- link back to who nominated them
- choose 11 people and link them to your post
- go to their page and tell them
- no tag backs!

The Notebooks Sisters 11 questions are the following:
1.   Q: Favorite character in your work-in-progress?A: I currently have two works-in-progress and my favorite character from each would have to be Adelynn, Addie for short, in Disappearing Act, and Amicus (a Latin name that I made up my own pronunciation for) in the second untitled work.

2.   Q: Does music influence your writing? What's a song that's inspired you?A: Yes. Music greatly influences my writing! I always listen to music when I write because is helps block out any conversations going on around me. I usually get inspired to write an epic fight scene or something like that when I listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, and a sad scene or a scene where a character has a deep philosophical thought when I listen to piano music.

3.   Q: Do you prefer writing in past tense or present tense? Why?
A: I do the no-no. I write both. In the same story. At the same time. I need to work on this.
4.   Q: Name a random fact a book taught you.
A: The Skeleton Creek series taught me a lot about haunted places!:) Which is right up my ally:)

5.   Q: Favorite food to snack on while reading/writing?A: Almost anything with chocolate or peanut butter!

6.   Q: Name 3 books you can't wait until are released.
A: Cress by Marissa Meyer coming in 2014, Gallagher Girls 6 by Ally Carter coming in September of this year, and the continuation of the Dreamhouse Kings series by Robert Liparulo whenever he decides he's ready to write them:P
7:   Q: Name a sequel that outshone it's predecessor.
A: The Ghost in the Machine by Patrick Carman. The first book being Skeleton Creek.
8:   Q: Best side-kick/ secondary-character you've read this year?
A: Hale from Heist Society, and Iko/ Kai from Cinder.
9.   Q: Favorite quote?
A: I have no idea! I really like "You can never been overdressed or over educated" and "Little by little, one travels far" from J.R.R. Tolkien, and "The scariest moment is right before you start" from Stephen King, and "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of time, if one remembers to turn on the light" from Albus Dumbledore!

10.   Q: Do you have any reading goals for 2013? Are you on track?A: Not really. I guess to put a reasonable dent in my rapidly growing to-read list. No, I'm not at all on track.

11.   Q: If you were a superhero would you wear a cape?
A: No
I actually do like capes on superheros. Like Thor. But, I would probably wear something more like Black Widow in a cuter color;P  Maybe red:)

My 11 questions:
1. Best book you've ever read?
2. Do you like reading/writing nonfiction or fiction better? (I think I know most of the answers to this)
3. You're being chased by thousands of bees/ wasps. What do you do?
4. If you could meet a book character (without having to enter their world) who would it be?
5. Do you like reading/writing from a male or female perspective more? Why?
6. Loki just showed up at your doorstep asking you to help in his world-domination plots. What do you do? Why?
7. If you could play one character from your favorite book in a movie who would it be? Why?
8. Any 2013 movies your excited about?
9. Name a stand-alone book that you think should have been made a series.
10. Do you prefer writing in first, second, or third person? Why?
And finally
11. How do you sort the books on your bookshelf?

My tags:
Ok, so I only know 4 people to tag since I can't tag Cait and Mime back. So, if you're not tagged just do  the tag and tell me:)
I think that's everything. There are two other posts I want to get up, but I haven't had time to do them. I had to squeeze in time to do this one! I'm writing this closing right as my mom is telling me to put the computer up!