Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NaNoWriMo Prep

NaNoWriMo is in three days (counting today), people! Three days!!! I am officially freaking out! I am like 95% prepared and yet I feel like I'm not prepared at all!

What am I doing to prepare?
The simple answer is lots. The long answer is a nice little list. Don't you just love lists!

1. Writing.
Sounds obvious, right? Well, I haven't written more than a sentence on a single story since Camp NaNo in July! I wrote my outline for November, but that wasn't really writing a story. This was hard for me. I decided to write a short story and getting started was hard. But, I wanted to get the creative juices flowing before November 1st.

2. Reading old writing.
This was more of an thing where I switched all of the files on my old computer over to Google Drive. Then, I saw a document with an intriguing title and I forgot what it was, so I read it. Then I read pretty much everything elseXD It was good enough that it made me want to start writing immediately and dominate this story! Pretty good motivation! When I decided to do this I was Kermit:
But it wasn't too bad. I was pretty happy!:)

3. Going over my outline and notes for my NaNo '14 novel.
Yet another given. I'm pumped up!
(yes, I did just totally reference Full HouseXD I was one of those kids who loved Full HouseXD)

4. Tell people what I'm doing.
I told all of the people who like to text me and hang out that I am considerably less available in November. I'm not going to completely write off hanging out with people, but I will use it as a reward for myself. I only get to hang out with people if my word count can afford it (meaning I'm on track or ahead). If not, then I don't get to hang out until I catch up.

5. Hitting up the forums.
Well, one, anyway. The NaNoWriMo forums are a great way to get encouragement! It's one thing to get encouragement from someone who has no idea what trying to write 50K word in 30 days is like. It's another thing entirely (and it works better) to get encouragement from someone who knows exactly what you're talking about! So, I highly recommend the forums! Just don't spend too much time there like I doXD

And that's it, really. That's all I'm doing to prepare. Am I under prepared? I don't think I am. I think that this is almost perfect for me. but what about you guys? What are you doing to prepare?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog Award Nomination

I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award by Roo over at Roomble!!!! Thank you!!!:D

There are only a few simple rules:
Thank the one who nominated you. 
Post the logo on blog. 
Answer ten questions.
Nominate ten Bloggers. (I might not have 10 people to nominate, but I'll try)
Ask them ten questions.

1. Who's your favorite superhero?
Captain America all the way!!!! No question about it whatsoever! 

2. C.S. Lewis or J. R. R. Tolkien?
Gosh, Roo?? That's a hard question!!!!! I guess it's probably Tolkien.

3. What's your favorite animal?
Hmmmmm.....Probably the otter:) I think they're so adorable!

4. What song do you listen to the most right now?
I basically listen to all of Imagine Dragons songs on repeat at least once dailyXD

5. How long have you been blogging for, and did you have a plan for the blog when you started?
I've been blogging for about 2 years now and when I first started my plan was to be a book and movie review blogger. I soon found out that I liked blogging about my writing and my life, too.

6. Cake or pie? (This question is serious business, everybody >:|)
Cake! Pie crust is gross! The texture bothers meDX

7. What month/time of year do you feel the most creative in?
I have no ideaXD Can I say Summer, Fall, and Christmas?XD

8. Tea, coffee, or just water?
I drink water pretty much all the time. But I love tea!:) I hate coffee, though.

9. If you could instantly learn one language, what would it be?
Latin! I really want to know Latin!

10. Did you smile today? Better yet, did you make someone smile today?
I smiled a lot today and I made my mom and brother laugh several timesXD And I made the cashier lady at JCPenney and at Walmart smile:) I love making people smile:)

Now my questions:

1. What's your favorite fandom? (I know, it's one of those torture questionsXD)

2. Who's your favorite female lead character? It can be from a book, movie, or tv show.

3. If you could act in any movie, show, or book adaptation which one would you choose?

4. Favorite season?

5. If you could have any superpower what would you choose?

6. Dogs or cats?

7. You were just thrown into the world of the last movie you watched. How screwed are you?

8. If you had a billion dollars how would you spend it?

9. If you could live anywhere in the world (or in any fictional world) where would it be?

10. If your favorite character showed up at your door asking you to go on an adventure with them who would it be and would you go?

I'm horrible at coming up with questionsXD Now, I tag people!

That's basically everyone I know to tagXD How about this: to anyone who reads this and wants to do the tag, you've officially been tagged!:D

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Meet The Character: Gwendolyn Scott

This is the third of my character intros. It's on my FMC, who just so happens to be my favorite character in the story. It will probably be the last one unless I decide to do one on my antagonist. Not sure what I'll do yet.

Name: Gwendolyn Hadley Scott
Age: 19
Hair: A short black bob haircut with purple streaks in the front
Eyes: Gunmetal blue
Occupation: Private Investigator

Meet Gwendolyn. Everyone calls her Gwen and she prefers it that way. Unless she's going by an alias. Which is 90% of the time if she's on a case. She never uses her real name on a case. She's a very troubled girl. Her parents died when she was ten. Her eighteen year old brother practically raised her. She got a job and moved out when she was seventeen, which is normal for teenagers in the year 2017. Her brother died just under a year later. Not many people take a nineteen year old private investigator seriously and Gwen hates that. She knows what she's doing and is very good at her job and wants people to respect her for that. She has the mentality that if other people want her respect than they need to give her a little respect as well. She pretty much scared of nothing. She also steers clear of people and doesn't like to get too close. She feels like she has a "death curse" because everyone she's every cared very much about has been taken away from her.

Her fashion sense is pretty much amazing! Like, I want her clothes.

Her hair is amazing! The streaks don't go all the way around. Just in the front.

Her basic style is shown in this pic and the one up there^ and the jacket.

                           The pantsuit (-->) is what she                            wears when she's trying to                                  look all official and stuff on a                            job.

She is also a movies buff, like Sammy. She and Sammy like to talk in quotes with each other. Once she learns how to be friends with him, anyway. She loves music and reading. She's also an amazing shot. Bulls-eye pretty much every time.

She's very snarky, witty, sarcastic, you get it.

 As you can tell, she's not afraid to hurt people feelings. Or to scare them.

 She avoids people at all costs, she likes to be her won boss, and she's in her own world. You definitely don't tell her she's crazy.

 The one up above and the two to the sides are directed towards the antagonist. She really hates him. With good reason.

See why she's my favorite? That's not even counting the serious quotes! I figure ten quotes is enough, so I won't post any of the serious onesXD I think she's going to be amazing!:)

What do you guys think?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Beautiful Books Linkup #1

In preparation for NaNoWriMo, Cait and Sky change their monthly Beautiful People linkup to Beautiful Books. It's still for writers and you don't have to be doing NaNo to linkup:) Just pick one of your WIPs and answer the questions using it. It's a three month series, fifteen questions each month, focused on the plotting in October, writing in November, and editing in December. I'm participating in NaNo, so I'll be using my NaNo novel, the one I've been doing character intros on. So, without further ado:

1. What came first: characters or plot idea? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Characters. I knew about Gwen and Sammy before I started even thinking about a plot and it took me several weeks to come up with a suitable plot for them, seeing as their so stubborn and demanding about what the participate in;P Usually I'm a pantser, but this year I decided to plot. I split the story into three parts and summarized the parts and then summarized each chapter. It's a pretty detailed thing.

2. Do you have a title and/or a "back-cover-blurb"?
The title is "Blurred Lines". I thought of the name basically because in the story the lines between what is right and what is wrong get blurred. This is my blurb:

Gwendolyn Scott is a private investigator. She's not your traditional PI, though. When she gets a lead about a big government cover up she goes deep undercover to find out the truth.

Samuel Richardson is and FBI Agent. Strike that: ex-FBI agent. When he caught wind that the government might be considerably less than the straightest arrow he got out before he got in trouble.

Christopher Quinn is an innocent bystander--or, he had been last week. Now he's on the run with vital information that he accidentally intercepted at work.

These three completely different people crossed paths and became the unlikeliest of comrades with one mission: discover what they're up against and, if necessary, take it out before it destroys the country. Or the world.

It's not great, but it's not to shabby, either, if I do say so myself;P

3. What word count are you aiming for when your novel is finished?
Preferably 50K. Not sure if it'll make it that far, though. It'll either be way more or way less.

4. Sum up your novel in three sentences.
Oh gosh. Really? Um...let's see: It's about three people, barely more than teenagers, who can't hardly get along for five minutes when they first meet. There's a seriously screwed up government trying to accomplish world domination with a villain so annoyingly diabolical that you can't help but love him at least a little. It's those three up against all of that and a bunch of other crap happens that makes you seriously pity them.
How was that?

5. Sum up your characters in one word each.
Again? You're killing me here! It took me ten minutes to answer that last oneXD
Gwen: Broken
Sammy: Encouraging
Chris: Sassy
Agent Silverton: Evil (I would say pure evil, but you said one word)

6. Which character are you most excited to write? Tell us about them!
That's a hard question! What us you with you guys and asking me to do hard stuff?XD
Probably Gwen. She's a nineteen year old private investigator. She doesn't really get any good cases, but she knows what she's doing. She's wanted in a couple other countries for stuff she never did. She's basically a total kick-butt kind of girl. And she's been through a lot of rough stuff. Her parents died when she was ten, her eighteen year old brother practically raised her until he died when she was eighteen. She turns twenty somewhere during the book and she's already been through all that. She became a freelance PI when she was 16 and went to other countries and stuff happened. Then she came home when she was eighteen (just before her brother died) and more stuff happened and her name is slightly well-known in some parts of the country. She's in a really dark place when the story starts.

7. What about your villain? Who is he, what is his goal?
Agent Silverton. His first name is Agent;P Not really. He just doesn't have one. He is a lot worse than Loki, but I'm aiming for the type of bad guy that, no matter how many times he does bad stuff to the protagonist, you can't help but love them just a little. I'm looking at a Crowley kind of guy. Actually, before I even saw Mark Sheppard, I kind of always saw Silverton as Mark Sheppard. I didn't know it though. I saw Sheppard and was like, "THAT'S SILVERTON!" His goal is to whisper ideas to Mr. President and convince him to take over the world and make Silverton next in line for the "throne". Then once all of the heavy lifting is done, he'll stage a little "accident" for the President and rule the world.

8. What is your protagonist's goal? And what stands in the way?
Her goal is to basically save hundreds of lives. Silverton. He's pretty much the only thing in her way.

9. What inciting incident begins your protagonist's journey?
When several state reps die, including a close family friend of hers.

10. Where is your novel set?
2017 United States and 2017 South America (not sure where exactly in SA yet)

11. What are three big scenes in your novel that change the game completely?
When Silverton introduces himself to the trio for the first time, when the trio finds out exactly what's going on, and when Chris gets arrested.

12. What is the most dynamic relationship your character has? Who else do they come in contact with or become close to during the story?
The most dynamic relationship is probably the one Gwen has with Sammy. They go from barely tolerating one another (mainly on Gwen's end. Sammy kind of liked her from the start), to being friends, then close friends, then a couple. And he kind of pulls her out of her darkness. But, she's also grows close to Chris. And she's close to a woman named Georgina (she only plays a little part) who is a close family friend that she thinks of as an aunt.

13. How does your protagonist change by the end of the story?
She goes from a hard, somewhat cold-hearted girl who's in a really dark place to being halfway happy. And she starts caring about her life again.

14. Do you have an ending in mind, or do you plan to see what happens?
I've got in mind for it to end with Gwen, Sammy, Chris, and a few others releasing information that basically collapses the government (only because everyone in the government was in on the world domination plot), but we'll see what happens.

15. What are your hopes and dreams for your book? What impressions are you hoping this novel will leave on your readers and yourself?
All I really want is that at least one person that I don't know and will probably never meet gets enjoyment out of my novel. As for myself? I just want it to prove to me that I can do this.

There you have it! This was really fun! But hard...thanks for that;P

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Meet The Character: Samuel Richardson

It is officially one month until NaNoWriMo! To celebrate I'm doing the second of my character introductions!

Name: Samuel Elijah Richardson
Hair: Brown
Occupation: Unemployed; ex-FBI Agent

Meet Sam, or Sammy. Gwen calls him Sammy. He's a very optimistic person, but not to the point that he gets annoying. When things are truly bad he will admit that things are bad, but he sees the silver lining, too. He does get mad and rant, but then he'll be like, "Sorry, I needed to vent for a bit. It'll all be ok, though." He's not afraid of much, either, including death. His biggest fear is probably losing people he cares about.

His fashion sense is sort of like the guy version of what I like to wear:

Skinnys, plaid, and a jacket. Usually leather, but I do have some like the one on the right. And beanies! So, yeah, he dresses like me, but with guys clothes. And more muted colors than I wear. But he wears a suit when he's trying to look official.

He's big into movies. He's into basically all the same fandoms I am (yes, I did that on purpose;P). He's an amazing mechanic and should get an award for marksmanship. He's also a black belt in several martial arts divisions. He also likes to play guitar.

 He's has a nice sense of humor that often breaks the heavy tension.

 He likes to quote his favorite movies and tv shows.

 And when he's trying to be all encouraging and optimistic he says words of great wisdom. More wisdom than a 22 year old ex-Fed should have.

I think he's going to end up being a pretty fantastic character. And extremely fun to write! I honestly don't know that he and I will even butt heads.

So, what do you guys think of this character? And are any of you NaNoWriMo this year?